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My 2020 Review

Happy New Year 2021!


When I was in High school, I dreamt to travel to the world. I choose to study Tourism Management (believe it or not?) because I thought it could allow me to travel more. That’s how Tourism students are thinking .

In the university, I could travel to more than 10 countries but not because of Tourism class it was because of my French degree (I had a double degree) and my volunteer work at AYO through the student exchange programs. I learnt on how to be independent since then.

Right after the graduation, I could enter the Ministry of Foreign Affairs where I could take the opportunty to travel to around 10 more countries (some of them are just a personal trip too). I have learnt a lot in this period on how to work with people from different perspective.

It’s all because I made a MISTAKE of choosing Tourism and french major! Without that mistake, I couldn’t reach today.

Because of that mistake, now I could take another opportunity to travel again, but for a mission of 3 years. It’s the longest trip I will experience and probably the memorable one as well. Even this mission is coming during this WORLD PANDEMIC; frankly speaking, this is not the right time for my personal life; and my family also hesitated to let me go. I know this decision doesn’t comfort my FAMILY. It will be a waste of time for my family business and it will not allow me to save money as well. However, I still finally decided to take this duty to serve for the country. I hope that my families are proud of me for making this decision.

I hope that in this year to come, I can make more mistakes.

So I wish for everyone to Make New Mistakes but Make glorious and amazing ones. Making mistakes is making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself and changing yourself.

Don't worry that it isn't good enough, or it isn't perfect, whatever it is: leisure, or love, or work or family or life.

Making MISTAKES is not the problem, the problem is how you DEAL with MISTAKES, SOLVE them and turn them RIGHT!

Make your mistakes, next year and forever.

Thanks everyone for reading till the end! Happy New Year 2021!

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