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My 2018 Review

Time to review my whole year again. I plan to follow my previous style of writing, but I just realize that I should better make it shorter and just bring only important thing that could share and readers don't feel bored.

This year, 2018, I would like to bring only 3 main important things that I've learnt.

1. TRY, TRY and TRY

It's not easy to try many times for the same thing even if we fail multiple times as well. I know! But if you don't try again you will have no chance to achieve what you want. Just like my case in applying for the training course in the United States this year. My first application was fail on the second stage of the exam at the US embassy. (Before going further, the process for the application is to pass one internal exam in the ministry which most likely about GRAMMAR then those shortlist will need to pass the second exam at the embassy on Listening skill). Even if I fail for the first time there, I waited for another semester then try again. I then was selected with great result because I had extra experiences then the other candidates. I know sometimes, I give up in some circumstance after a few attempts.

2. Trust

I know that it’s hard to trust, even somehow to trust yourself. To make other trust you, you need to trust yourself and make yourself be trusted. In order to make people trust me, I need to show my sincere behavior. [article was not complete]

3. Be positive

[article was not completed]

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