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My 2016 Review!

It's time for year report!!! Just like at the end of each year, I usually made something like this!! Thanks everyone who are part of my life!!! I may not be able to tag all but I know those who read this must be taken a grand part of my life!!! +January and February - Nothing special to share, life is just a boat on the ocean! - I remember a long story of my buddy's trip to 5 countries at the same time on a ship!! I like listening to those stuffs !! Pheap Sophorn (Kriss)!! +March & April -A few events but most of them are parties, festivals and locals trip!! #MonthOfHoliday Nguyễn Hoàng Minh Đăng Bunna Lee +June -Was blamed by making fun on facebook post. The post was deleted. [ And yeah I have learnt that some people don't have a sens of humour at all.] +July -Travel to the Philippines! So it's added to the list!!!! Wanna know about the tips to go there? check this ( -A new member of the family was born! He will be the 11th grandchild! +August -A biz trip to Thailand for just one whole day. [Better stay one night in BKK rather than make a morning flight and night return] +September -Nothing noticeable but "ធ្វើគុណមួយរយសំពៅ ទោសមួយចូលទៅរលាយគុណអស់" and [ក្នុងរឿង] អ្នកនៅកៀកស្តេច ពិសពុលជាងស្តេចទៅទៀត គួរអោយខ្លាច។ [ It's hard to get attention when you do good everyday, but when a mistake appears, thing changes] -Been to Malaysia for the 10th time!!! Cheers!! +October -Busiest month! I've been organized a few big events such as 50 anniversary of the visit of Charles de Gaule to Cambodia, 25 Anniversary of Paris Peace Agreement and a few more meetings. [ #TeamWork, #UnderstandEachother, #Sucess ] +November -Experience spending more than 100 bucks on phone repairing! This is when the money doesn't allow me to get the 7, so take care of the old one! [Don't look materialism in the negative way, sometimes, materialist are those who are lack of love, that's why he/she need modern items to entertain] - Congratulation to all my colleagues at the office and those who enter at the same generation with me for their promotion!!! [ Sometimes it's a must to accept what happens ] +December - One of the sad moment is that one of my Best friend leave her single status!! All the best wish to you and have baby chab chab!! Sophalasy Keo [Here, what I have learnt is that many of the friendship will be cut down after marriage life, be sure to balance both Friendship and relationship!] -Surprise with some fast positive changes at my work place. Many people don't really expect this fast!!! Let's see what are the up coming surprise! It's good to also prepare for a few goals for 2017, and I had a few already!! Let's make our goals achieveable next year!! Happy New Year!!

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