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Let’s Go To Singapore!

Please note: This is just my personal view toward the experience of the trip.

Before we begin our journey, we should always plan our route ahead of time.

If you plan to visit the country of Singapore, you should also consider going to Malaysia as well. By visiting those two countries together, you can save more time and money while being able to travel to many more places and experience the diversity of cultural, traditional and technological differences.

By traveling to Singapore across the Malaysian border, you could save much more money, since it is easier and more convenient.

Alright, now let me introduce you the details of traveling to Malaysia or the small island country of Singapore! If you have not read my article about the Malaysia yet, I would recommend you to read it first before jumping to this article.

Right, it looks like you have read it! Time is very precious, let’s depart together!

I will break the trip down into small sections by describing each one very clearly.

  • Ways of transportation

Traveling by bus the easiest way to get there. There are other kinds of transportable like trains, airplanes or even vessels, but I would really recommend going to bus. Then you might ask, “Why not planes? Of course you can travel by plane. However you have to sacrifice several hours of your time checking-in the airport, waiting for the airplane to arrive and finally board the plane with a few hundred people. Also, you have to take this into the consideration. You have to take a bus from Kuala Lumpur, the capita of Malaysia, to the city airport which can take an hour to get there.

Travel by bus is simpler and only takes you about 5 hours to Singapore or 3 hours to Malacca, a popular Chinese-Malaysian town. I would highly recommend the readers to choose buses as their transportation.

  • Language

English is fine. Even better if you can converse in Mandarin.

3. Stay

As you all might know, Singapore has a limited space for people to live. That means, hostels, hotel or even guesthouses and inns can be a bit of a financial problem, especially for budget travelers.

You can do some research in advance about finding a desired room to stay on or where you can discover a wide variety of rooms with various prices and quality.

A two-bed hotel room can easily costs more than 100$ per night. Alternatively, you can find a dorm with 4 or 6 beds which can accommodate many people, but you have to sacrifice your personal space with others also. Each bed inside the dorm can cost lower, about 20 to 30$ per night depends on the location and their quality.

  • Food

There is a huge number of Chinese resturants both classic, old fashion to modern food stores. Prices are affordable, no need to panic!

  • Where to visit?

Some places can take more than one day to fully-visit like Universal Studio theme park or Sentosa park. It is ideal to spend several nights in that city and explore both the daytime and nighttime life of the people.

Singapore is a land consists of many races of people from many backgrounds who normally live in harmonies with each other. The majority of them are Chinese people.

Written by Bori - Translated by Chamna

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