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Air ticket from Phnom Penh to Kuala Lumpur can range from 65$ to more than 200$ round-trip depending on the time you buy and the airline you choose. To get the lowest price possible, you have to book at least nearly one year in advance plus with special seasonal promotion.

A good way to know these events is to go to AirAsia website, like I always do, and observe their promotion and plan on the dates with the lowest air fare.

For an average air fare, getting their can cost from 90 to 110$.

  • Place to stay

Accommodation is not expensive at all in Kuala Lumpur compare to Bangkok or Singapore. A two-bed hotel room can cost approximately 22$ per night. I used to sleep at Grid9 hotel since it was cheap and it is located near Chinatown, a place popularized with food, souvenirs and clothes. You can get around this big city by traveling on their Monorail system, which is a small train system that operates around the city picking passengers daily with affordable prices in each specific destination. You can go and visit the Twin Towers by using one of these monorail lines in Bukit Nanas.

  • Language

Just use English there. If you can speak Mandarin, that is even easier.

  • Transportation the sim-card

Monorail be very new to first time visitors and it can be a bit confusing and tricky. Crucially, you need to read the monorail information notes or maps or you can ask the locals for direction. Uber is widely available in that city with affordable price. Buying a sim-card at the airport after landing is much easier for you to get access to phone calls and internet before going out there and explore! They are not expensive. About 5 to 10$ per sim-card.

  • How to travel

I have visited Kuala Lumpur, Malacca and Penang in one trip. They are popular with tourism and they have the same direction for going to Singapore. That helps you save some money and buys you sometimes along the trip.

These are some recommended routes you can think about:

  1. PP-KL-MALAC-SG-KL-PP (Around 450$)




  1. PP-KL-MALAC-KL-PP (Used to spend only 250$ on this trip)

A good amount of travel time is between 5 to 6 days. Option A is my favorable option for me, since they all follow the same road direction all the way to Singapore.

Malaysia has many local races including Malaysian, Chinese and Indian. Personally, I found that Chinese and Indian food is a bit saltier for my taste.

Written in Khmer by Bori - Translated to English by Chamna

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