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My 2013 Reviews

Everyone has their own past. This year 2013, I experienced many new things. +January 2013: -Shot a video spot with Emma Ounna and cameraman team Phirun Oudam. -Discovered the Truly Asia, Malaysia with Vibol Cheaand meet My very best Malaysian friends Augustus Chai Chun Khiong, Hareez Haiqal, and new kindness friends Yalu Kuenlong, Charles Hong, Zi Jian Yow! +April 2013: -Visited Ho Chi Minh and meet my smartest bro Nguyễn Hoàng Minh Đăng and Smartest friend Thúy An. Thanks for the City Tour Guide!!! -Guided my handsome brothers from Thailand Kobchart J. Boon and Laos Sam Sakthavy Xaobouddavong to Siem Reap along with Vibol and Zilla -Filmed a group video with Hav Savon, Somaline Mao, Sophea Long, Leap Heng, with the help of Somala Oeurn! It was the very awesome team work experience. +May 2013 -Flight to Bangkok discovered the city of the very soft voice "Khaaa, Khaaapp" -Joined a career forum with Kimhiek Hour and Sereyrath Sourire Sunn. +July 2013 -Visited Vietnam for the 2nd time in the same year and again meet my bro Dang!! also this period is the best time to meet many best friends around Asia, I can't tag all their name here. The time in an exchange program to Da Nang! I wish that time could re-peat in the future! Miss you all mes amis d'UE!!! - Worked as the Election Committee with Ah Bi TeyTeyFelt very happy at first but afraid at the end of the day... :-P +August 2013 -Siem Reap again this year but this time Dang was guided by Me!! :-) +September 2013 -Bangkok, Thailand for the 2nd time in a year... I met Pumb Pumpz and Annie Heckyeah, Wow.... "Babies experience" -Got a certificate from ASEAN Secretariat for outstanding work in promoting the ASEAN Community! +November 2013 -New house, new place! Feeling warm until now... :-) -Done a donation project to the flooding area in Kompong Cham province with Seilboth Lorn, Vannith Hay, Kim Hak Pheng, Vibol, Zupiter MrDrakula. We are all francophones except Vannith... poor you!! Special Thanks to your parents Both! +December 2013 -I think more than 3 times in the Royal Palace this year, but this time with Vivi Espace, Paul Levant Ae-Tigris Tin Le and Thao.... -Time to say Goodbye to bro Deyae Moe (Naing) Wish you go back to your countries and start new life (finding someone to complete the life :-P) and new salary (increase) hahaha **** This life is awesome and meaningful if we know how to live **** How to live? Just smile to everything and try -to think positively -to forget and forgive -to work and study also lah!! Happy New Year everyone!!! I wish I could get many more meaningful experiences next year again!!!

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